HELLO-B blessed with valuable partnerships: YWAM Burundi and Bridges of Hope

The year 2024 is considered in HELLO-B as the year of blessings taking into consideration the number and nature of partners HELLO-B has secured so far.

The legal representative and founder of HELLO-B, Mrs. Esperance MPAWENIMANA signed two memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with partners who have shown their interest in helping HELLO-B advance its vision of helping the least of all in Burundi.

On 8th February 2024, Mrs. Esperance MPAWENIMANA signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Revd. Pastor NZUNGURI Gouramari Jagen, the legal representative of Youth with a Mission (YWAM) in Burundi. The two organizations agreed to support each other in implementing the vision of both organizations for the glory of God and in the name of Jesus.

Since the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between HELLO-B and YWAM was signed, its implementation has become effective as quick as possible. YWAM Burundi has already donated some medical supplies and equipments to HELLO-B and its healthcare project implemented by Dunamai Medical Center. The donation involved medical isolation gowns, vital sign monitors, exam table, syringes, portable ventilator systems, Plexiglass divider walls, hospital patient chairs, adults’ sandals, pampers, and small towels.

The Legal Representative has then considered “2024, as the year of blessings” and she is optimistic to have more partners in the future who are willing to support the implementation of the vision of HELLO-B and help advance its objectives in the areas of healthcare, education, and community development.

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