HELLO-B and YWAM: A Working Partnership

The partnership between HELLO-B and YWAM Burundi bears fruits day by day. After donating medical supplies and equipments to Dunamai Medical Center Polyclinic, a project of HELLO-B, Youth With a Mission (YWAM) facilitated Dunamai Medical Center Polyclinic to get volunteers involved in healthcare from the United States of America.

On the 2nd March 2024, Dunamai Medical Center Polyclinic received a team of eight volunteers who came to help patients at Dunamai Medical Center Polyclinic.

Those professionals in healthcare, besides their professional support to the polyclinic, they paid hospital bills to twelve (12) patients who were unable to pay due to their poverty.

The total amount of the bills was the thirteen million Burundian Francs (13 million BIF). Another team of volunteers visited Dunamai Medical Center Polyclinic in April 2024 and performed different activities aimed at heartfully caring for patients.

The whole community of Dunamai Medical Center Polyclinic appreciates the work done by those volunteers. They have shown that they are “Good Samaritan” towards the patients. The legal Representative of HELLO-B and the management team of Dunamai Medical Center Polyclinic continue to welcome potential partners to act like YWAM.

Dunamai Medical Center Polyclinic is ready to welcome individual persons and organizations who are willing to support HELLO-B in the areas of healthcare, education, and community development.

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